International Firefighters’ Day with Leah Kosolofski, Winnipeg Airport Fire Captain

2022-12-14T07:12:45-05:00May 4th, 2022|Categories: Campaigns, Health and safety|Tags: |

Local 50600 Inaugurated on the 2nd of December 1998, following a tragic event in Australia, Firefighters’ Day is now recognized internationally on the 4th of [...]

In honour of Pride Month, UCTE exposes the “Fruit Machine” – The homosexual purge

2022-12-14T12:18:26-05:00June 14th, 2021|Categories: Campaigns, Equity, Human rights, Labour history|Tags: |

15Many of us do not understand systemic discrimination. We have the false impression that, in Canada, a country with a reputation for acceptance and tolerance, [...]

UCTE tells government that aviation sector needs more help – Position paper

2020-12-16T12:31:07-05:00December 16th, 2020|Categories: Campaigns|Tags: |

While recent announcements have shown the government’s intention to provide assistance to the aviation sector, there is still a large focus on the airline industry [...]

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