UPDATE – NAV CANADA: employers’ wage offer

Treasury Board and the NAV CANADA bargaining team mainly discussed the employer’s wage offer during negotiations April 19-21. The employer’s offer of 0, 1, 2 and 2 per cent over a four-year agreement — averaging 1.25 per cent per year from 2021–2025 — is not just completely out of touch with soaring inflation across Canada, but is significantly less than what they agreed to with other unions.

PSAC have proposed a three-year deal with the following increases: 

  • 5 per cent in 2021: this represents a 3 per cent increase to match other unions and an additional 2 per cent to make up the gap for 2019, when our increases were lower than others
  • 4.75 per cent in 2022: this represents an increase to ensure that we do not lose ground to inflation
  • 3 per cent in 2023: this matches other unions’ agreements

No concessions 

In addition to the paltry wage response, the employer also submitted significant concessions. These include a reduction for the Departure Incentive Program for any employee hired after the agreement is finalized, and the elimination of the end-of-career leave bank.

And while they have told us that they will not be proposing changes to the pension plan during this round, Treasury Board is clearly indicating they plan to weaken members’ pensions in future rounds.

Our team will continue to reject concessions, and work hard to bring members a strong and fair collective agreement.

Union of Canadian Transportation Employees

233 Gilmour Street, Suite 702
Ottawa, Ontario, K2P 0P2


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