Robert “Bob” Cox: 1981-1996

Brother Cox began working with the Department of Transport in 1960 as an Air Traffic Control Assistant at the Moncton Airport. He was the National Chair of the Air Traffic Control Assistants Association and helped lead a one-week-long wildcat strike in the fall of 1974. It was the first strike by UCTE members. Bob served as Chief Shop Steward of Local 60602; in 1979, he was elected local president. In 1981, he was elected national president of the UCTE on the 1st ballot. When the 1985 UCTE convention made the president’s position full-time, he took up those duties at the national office in Ottawa. UCTE was the 13th component of PSAC to have a full-time president. During his last years with UCTE, he took on the issue of airport privatization. Brother Cox led the union’s role in the “Taskforce on Airport management,” slowing down the process and trying to protect workers. There were two major strikes during his time in office, Ships Crews in 1998 and the 1991 Treasury Board General strike. While he may have started as a militant leader of a wildcat strike, he mellowed as the years went on. “Consultation, not confrontation is how the Union of Canadian Transport Employees solves its problems,” he said in his report to the 1984 UCTE convention. At the 1993 convention, he was not re-elected and returned to work for Transport Canada. Bob passed away in 2008.