PSAC members working at Parks Canada Agency held a Bargaining Conference in the National Capital Region September 25 to 27, 2018, in a preparation of a new round of bargaining. The most recent four-year collective agreement with Parks Canada expired August 4, 2018.

The elected delegates from across the country gathered to prepare for upcoming negotiations for a new collective agreement. They reviewed the recommendations for contract improvements and changes submitted by PSAC / UNE & UCTE members, learned about the bargaining process and developed mobilizing strategies for members in their regions and across Canada.

Delegates also elected the Parks Bargaining Team, which will sit across from the employer throughout negotiations and fight for improvements to the current contract.

Your bargaining team is your voice at the negotiating table and your support is critical to bargaining success!

The team will send out regular communiques to keep you updated on the bargaining process. The full package of bargaining proposals will also be shared with you once it is presented to the Parks.

We strongly encourage you to visit the Parks bargaining webpagesign up to receive our e-News directly in your inbox, and stay in touch with your elected bargaining team members:

Parks Bargaining Team

Angela Decker

Daniel Britton

Daniel Toutant

Kassandra McKinnon

Loretta Moar

Marc Phillips

Omar Murray



Réginald Bernatchez (UCTE)

Birch Howard (1st Alternate – UNE)

Mike LeBlanc (2nd Alternate – UNE)

André Miller (3rd Alternate – UNE)


PSAC Research Officer

Jason LaBond


PSAC Negotiator

Ashley Bickerton