Mike Wing: 1999-2008

Brother Wing’s activism with the UCTE began during the 1991 Treasury Board strike. He was elected strike captain at his first strike meeting, joining the PSAC Regional Strike Committee. Brother Wing was elected President of his Local during this period. In 1996 at the 10th Triennial UCTE convention, he was elected National Vice-President. In 1998, he was elected President of PSAC Ottawa Hull Regional Council. At the 1999 Triannual Convention, he was elected the Union’s 9th National President. He served in that position until 2008. During his presidency, there were several airport strikes, a strike of the canal members at Parks Canada, and two national strikes by Treasury Board members in 2002 and 2004. Mike was active with the PSAC Political Action Committee. Under his leadership, UCTE locals were among the first to participate in the PSAC Social Justice Fund. He raised funds for the 2004 Tsunami Relief and organized a UCTE charity golf tournament in support of Canadian Guide Dogs for the Blind. Mike passed away in 2017.

Union of Canadian Transportation Employees

233 Gilmour Street, Suite 702
Ottawa, Ontario, K2P 0P2


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