Local 00057 (GLPA) serves STRIKE notice

Local 00057

Today, the Great Lakes Pilotage Authority (GLPA) was served notice that Local 00057 will go on strike at 6 p.m. on Monday November 18th.  Members have been without a collective agreement since June 2016.

Of concern for the members is GLPA DOES NOT have an essential services agreement. What this means is that, when the strike happens, management would have to step in to do their work. The dispatchers have almost 100 years of experience between them, in simplifying the transit of the ships through the St. Lawrence and Great Lakes.

You can help by sending a message to GLPA asking that they stay at the table until a deal is negotiated.

To send a email at Michèle Bergevin, The CEO of GLPA click here: EMAIL

Union of Canadian Transportation Employees

233 Gilmour Street, Suite 702
Ottawa, Ontario, K2P 0P2


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