PSAC has advised that it intends to serve Treasury Board notice in early summer 2021 for the next round of bargaining. The agreements for the Program Administration (PA), Operational (SV), Technical (TC) and Education/Library Science (EB) groups will all expire between June and August 2021. As a result, it is time for our Treasury Board members to submit their bargaining demands.

New Bargaining Input Process

With a goal of enhancing members’ voices and increasing accessibility to the bargaining process, PSAC is encouraging all members to submit their bargaining demands through the online member portal at:


Reminder that this is a secure space and you will need a valid PSAC ID number to login. This form is accessible on your smartphone, computer or tablet. You will receive an email confirmation when you successfully submit a demand.

The last day to submit your bargaining demands is January 31, 2021.

Virtual National Bargaining Conference

PSAC will be hosting a national bargaining conference for the PA, SV, TC and EB units. This conference will be conducted virtually from April 26 to 30, 2021.

The criteria to be considered for one of the delegate positions are as follows:

  • You must be a member of the bargaining unit who holds office in the Union. This includes anyone who holds the position of shop steward.
  • You must also be union activists, engaged in union activities and committed to union principles including social justice and human rights.

If you are interested in participating in the national bargaining conference, please speak with your Regional Vice-President.

Furthermore, PSAC will also be choosing delegates who are young workers, women or members of an equity group who express an interest in writing. PSAC will soon be posting a web invitation seeking interest from young workers, women, aboriginal peoples, racialized workers, gay/lesbian/bisexual/trans members, and members with disabilities.