Whether you work for a federal government department, an agency or a private employer, elections matter. Some of you are electing your employer who will negotiate the terms and conditions of your collective agreement. Others are electing one of your main funders and still more are electing the people who will regulate the industry you work in. Pay attention. Ask questions of those who ask for your vote. And remember to vote. Elections matter to UCTE members.

Questions to ask the candidates


Where do you and your party stand on the rights of workers to bargain freely? Would you support expanding worker and union rights in the workplace?


What would you and your party do to fix the pay problems that have arisen through the Phoenix system?

Stable and Secure Agency Funding

Do you and your party agree with providing stable and secure funding to ensure the viability of agencies like Parks Canada and the Canadian Space Agency?

Inspection Versus Audit

Would you support a return to the full inspection role for inspectors in the transportation sector versus the current SMS audit approach being pushed by Transport Canada?

Capacity, Training and Infrastructure

What plans do you or your party have to address issues of capacity, training shortfalls, and infrastructure needs for the Canadian Coast Guard and the National Canals System of Parks Canada?

Contract Protection

Do you support making it mandatory for workers whose jobs are contracted or re-contracted to maintain their jobs, the full protection of their collective agreement, and their existing union representation?