Convention dates: July 18 to 21, 2021


As per the PSAC directive, the date for the National Office to receive resolutions to this convention remains closed. Should a local wish to submit a new resolution, they are entitled to do this as per UCTE By-law 9, Section 20 – Supplementary Resolutions or Section 22 – Emergency Resolutions.

Bylaw 9, Section 20 – Supplementary Resolutions

Supplementary resolutions to a Convention shall be submitted to the National President forty-eight (48) hours prior to the opening date of Convention and such supplementary resolutions shall be the last order of business.

Any new resolution submitted would be deemed supplementary. This would mean that all convention business, including the review of both concurrence and non-concurrence resolutions, would need to be dealt with by the convention floor prior to consideration being given to supplementary resolutions.

Bylaw 9, Section 22 – Emergency Resolutions

Emergency resolutions which are of a matter of national importance may be presented to the floor of the Triennial Convention but shall not be dealt with by the Convention until accepted by a majority of the Convention.

Emergency resolutions require a minimum 51% vote of all delegates to be dealt with by the Convention. It is important to note that the issue must be deemed to be of national importance and would be an issue that the submitting body would not have had the opportunity to submit or occurred after the deadline date of resolutions. If it does not meet this criteria, the resolution will be treated like a supplementary resolution.


Recognizing that circumstances have changed for many of our members, elected delegates will be contacted by the national office to confirm their availability and ability to attend convention July 18 to 21, 2021.


At this time, UCTE is still determining if and how we will be able to have observers attend the Convention. More information will follow.


If you have any questions, please contact your RVP or email

Union of Canadian Transportation Employees

233 Gilmour Street, Suite 702
Ottawa, Ontario, K2P 0P2


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