Building a Better Future: June 12th and the Fight against Child Labour

Siem Reap, Сambodia - February 24, 2016: Group of children working and carving stone in a small town near Siem Reap. Child labour is still very common in Cambodia

The United Nations’ World Day Against Child Labour is observed annually on June 12th to raise awareness and take action against child labour worldwide. It is an initiative led by the International Labour Organization (ILO), a specialized agency of the United Nations that promotes social justice and decent work.

Child labour refers to the employment of children in work that harms their physical or mental development and deprives them of their childhood. It is a violation of children’s rights and has adverse effects on their education, health, and overall well-being. The World Day against Child Labour aims to bring attention to this issue and mobilize efforts to eliminate child labour globally.

The connection between the World Day Against Child Labour and the labour movement lies in their shared goal of promoting workers’ rights and social justice. The labour movement has historically fought for fair and safe working conditions, reasonable wages, and the protection of workers’ rights. On the other hand, child labour represents an extreme form of labour exploitation where children are subjected to hazardous and exploitative work conditions.

The labour movement recognizes that the existence of child labour undermines the achievements and progress made in safeguarding workers’ rights. It clearly violates international labour standards and the principles of social justice. Therefore, the labour movement supports initiatives like World Day against Child Labour to address this issue, advocating for policies and measures that prioritize eliminating child labour and protecting children’s rights.

By raising awareness, promoting advocacy, and mobilizing stakeholders, the World Day against Child Labour contributes to the broader efforts of the labour movement in creating a fair and inclusive society. It reinforces the labour movement’s commitment to ensuring decent work for all, including the most vulnerable members of society—children.

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