Agreement reached at Halifax Airport

Congratulations to members of Local 80829 at Halifax Airport Authority who voted to accept a new collective agreement.

Apart from salary increases, highlights include:

  • The addition of a new committee to deal with mental health and wellness in the workplace
  • Improvement to vacation pay for seasonal employees
  • Additions to bereavement and family-related responsibilities articles
  • Added references to other leaves covered by the Canada Labour Code

Special thanks to the bargaining team of Steve Bezanson, Derek Forrest, Anita Chisholm, Drake Clark, Ron Conway, Chris Bussey (UCTE RVP Atlantic) and Larry Gagnon (PSAC negotiator) for all of their hard work on behalf of the members.

Union of Canadian Transportation Employees

233 Gilmour Street, Suite 702
Ottawa, Ontario, K2P 0P2


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