A quick reminder that the deadline to register as a delegate for the upcoming UCTE Convention is Tuesday January 31, 2023. This deadline will not be extended.

All locals that are in good standing were advised of their delegate count and provided the link in the convention call. If you do not have this information, please email ucte-ucet@psac-apfc.com as soon as possible.

Note that you are not considered registered if you sent your information by email to the national office or to your RVP. You must complete the digital registration form. If you no longer have this link, please reach out to ucte-ucet@psac-afpc.com and we will gladly assist you.

Also please note that the deadline to submit resolutions to the convention is also Tuesday January 31, 2023.

Are you having difficulties composing your resolution? Visit the convention website here helpful information on how to write a resolution.

Should you have any questions, please contact us at ucte-ucet@psac-afpc.com.