Many UCTE members will remember the sting of the 2012 Harper-era reforms to the Federal Public Service Pension Plan. These changes increased the normal retirement age (from 60 to 65) and also the early retirement age without penalty (for employees with at least 30 years of service) (from 55 to 60).

It hurts and intimidates workers to see changes that will have future colleagues working five years longer for their share of benefits.

At the same time, members who do not remember these reforms are probably the ones most affected. It’s particularly insulting now that the Plan is in a surplus position. Anything that divides us in this way must not stand unchallenged.

The time is now: Minister Anand should take steps to restoring one fair retirement age for everyone in our federal public service.

More information on PSAC’s advocacy to get rid of two-tier pension regulations at this link:

Government has opportunity to correct Harper-era wrongdoing, restore pension fairness to federal public service workers | Public Service Alliance of Canada (